Since one of my goals with NixOS was to conveniently install multiple PHP versions side by side (and without the hassle to compile manually with --prefix=/opt/php-something/ flags) I’ve finally tried to get a feasible setup.

For the moment I decided to go with “central” (i.e. not-per-project) installations within my $HOME as I don’t want to set up a whole environment just to do a Kata every once in a while.

Installing PHP 7.0

This should actually be pretty straight forward since PHP 7.0 as well as xdebug are both part of official nixpkgs … and once you know what to do it actually is :)

Obviously we need to create our own derivation and then can simply use buildEnv to symlink our buildInputs to the output directory. However the PHP binary has the extension path baked in (the one to its own nix store), so we have to overwrite that one. This can be done using makeWrapper script and simply provide -d extension_dir=... flag before anything else. In order to be able to do that we first need to fiddle with the /bin directory though, as only the php70 build input has a /bin directory and buildEnv hence simply links the whole $php70/bin directory to $out/bin.

I decided to put the PHP 7.0 environment to $HOME/bin/php70, which I mkdir‘ed first and then created a default.nix like this:

with import <nixpkgs> { };

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name = "php70-env";

  env = buildEnv { 
    inherit buildInputs name;
    paths = buildInputs;
    postBuild = ''
      mkdir $out/bin.writable && cp --symbolic-link `readlink $out/bin`/* $out/bin.writable/ && rm $out/bin && mv $out/bin.writable $out/bin
      wrapProgram $out/bin/php --add-flags "-d extension_dir=$out/lib/php/extensions -d"
  builder = builtins.toFile "" ''
    source $stdenv/setup; ln -s $env $out

  buildInputs = [

(maybe there’s a more elegant solution to replace this link with a directory of symlinks, … but I haven’t found out yet. Please tell me in case you know how to do it properly)

… then after running nix-build you should have a ./result/bin/php which is a shell script wrapping the actual php binary to automatically load

Installing PHP 7.1 (beta 3)

This is of course a little bit more involved as PHP 7.1 isn’t yet part of nixpkgs, since it’s not really released yet.

The installation (including compilation) of PHP 7.1 can be achieved by simply creating an overrideDerivation of pkgs.php70 with name, version and src adapted as needed.

… the xdebug PECL package from nixpkgs cannot simply be re-used as the latest release doesn’t support PHP 7.1 as of yet. But creating a derivation for an PECL package from scratch isn’t complicated, so let’s just do that manually :)

So here’s the php71/default.nix file:

with import <nixpkgs> { };

  php71 = pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation pkgs.php70 (old: rec { 
    version = "7.1.0beta3";
    name = "php-${version}";
    src = fetchurl {
      url = "${version}.tar.bz2";
      sha256 = "02gv98xaal8pdr1yj57k2ns4v8g53iixrz4dynb5nlr81vfg4gwi";

  php71_xdebug = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
    name = "php-xdebug-55fccbb";
    src = fetchgit {
      url = "";
      rev = "55fccbbcb8da0195bb9a7c332ea5364f58b9316b";
      sha256 = "15wgvzf7l050x94q0a62ifxi5j7p9wn2f603qzxwcxb7ximd9ffb";
    buildInputs = [ php71 autoreconfHook ];

    makeFlags = [ "EXTENSION_DIR=$(out)/lib/php/extensions" ];
    autoreconfPhase = "phpize";
    preConfigure = "touch unix.h";

  stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
    name = "php71-env";

    env = buildEnv { 
      inherit buildInputs name;
      paths = buildInputs;
      postBuild = ''
        mkdir $out/bin.writable && cp --symbolic-link `readlink $out/bin`/* $out/bin.writable/ && rm $out/bin && mv $out/bin.writable $out/bin
        wrapProgram $out/bin/php --add-flags "-d extension_dir=$out/lib/php/extensions -d"
    builder = builtins.toFile "" ''
      source $stdenv/setup; ln -s $env $out

    buildInputs = [

The touch unix.h thing is actually a hack needed to compile the extension properly as php’s config.h has the HAVE_UNIX_H flag defined, which should actually tell whether the system has a unix.h file (which old Unix systems obviously once had, Linux systems don’t). However the imap client library has a unix.h file which tricks php’s configure script to note having one :) … and as we (obviously) don’t have imap library as build input php.h’s #include would fail without that touch

PHPUnit & PhpStorm

PHPUnit isn’t packaged in nixpkgs, but after all it’s just a phar archive file and we’d like to run it with different PHP versions anyways, therefore I’ve just downloaded it and stored it in $HOME/bin also.

Configuring PhpStorm is pretty straight forward, just go to File > Default Settings > Languages & Frameworks > PHP and click the three-dots-button next to Interpreter. Then simply add both PHP executables at $HOME/bin/php70/result/bin/php and $HOME/bin/php71/result/bin/php. PhpStorm should automatically find out about the php.ini file as well as the Xdebug extension.

… last but not least go to PHPUnit config folder, choose Path to phpunit.phar and point it to the downloaded phar archive.

… and now you’re set :) Just select one of the interpreters and run your tests (and then switch interpreters to your liking).